Vista Hill Apartments & Geisel Activity Center
Safe and sober living environment for ParentCare families.
Learning Assistance Center (LAC) | County Contracts
School- and home-based mental health intervention to children, youth and families.
In partnership with the Escondido Union School District (EUSD), PROMOTE! provides evidence-based prevention and early mental health intervention services to at-risk and disadvantaged young children, ages 3-8, in 12 EUSD elementary schools. (Children, Family)
SmartCare Behavioral Health Consultation Services (BHCS)
Real-time access to psychiatric/behavior health treatment consultation for primary care providers throughout San Diego County.
SmartCare Integrated Behavioral Health (SmartCare)
Consultants, educators and psychiatrists partner with selected rural community health clinics to provide behavioral health screening, evaluation, medication consultation and short-term therapy integrated within the primary health care setting.
S.A.F.I.R. (Supporting Adolescents and Families in Recovery)
Weekly structured multi-family support/education groups provide a forum, free-of-charge for parent and youth to discuss substance use disorder issues and receive support from peers.
Don Allen ParentCare Family Recovery Center (East) / ParentCare Family Recovery Center (Central)
Intensive outpatient treatment programs for women with substance use disorder. Includes parenting skills training, co-occurring disorder treatment and enriched pre-school for their children.
Dependency Drug Court SUD* Coordination Program
Vista Hill’s Dependency Drug Court SUD* Coordination (DDCSC) program provides Alcohol/ Drug screening and referral to treatment program facilities for adults whose families are involved with Child Welfare Services. In addition, we offer case management and peer support services for parents enrolled in the Dependency Drug Court Level II program.
We also offer programs and services for Children (ages 0–13), Teens (ages 13–18), Young Adults (ages 18–23), and Adults (age 18+).