Programs and Services for Adults
Navigating the challenges of adulthood sometimes requires professional services that can make a life-changing difference.
Ages 18+
Accessible Depression and Anxiety Peripartum Treatment (ADAPT)
In partnership with mental health services and public health nurses, ADAPT provides in-home holistic mental health treatment to individuals and family members who screen positive for postportum anxiety and/or depression.
CalWORKs Case Management Services
Alcohol & drug screening, assessment, referrals and employment focused case management provided for Welfare-to-Work (WTW) participants. Family stabilization services are available when crisis situations arise.
Dependency Drug Court SUD* Coordination Program
Vista Hill’s Dependency Drug Court SUD* Coordination (DDCSC) program provides Alcohol/ Drug screening and referral to treatment program facilities for adults whose families are involved with Child Welfare Services. In addition, we offer case management and peer support services for parents enrolled in the Dependency Drug Court Level II program.
Don Allen ParentCare Family Recovery Center (East) / ParentCare Family Recovery Center (Central)
Intensive outpatient treatment programs for women with substance use disorder. Includes parenting skills training, co-occurring disorder treatment and enriched pre-school for their children.
Native American SmartCare Services
Support and guidance to Primary Care Providers and their Behavioral Health affiliates by offering timely access to expert psychiatric and behavioral health consultative supports to aid in the identification and treatment of youth and families experiencing behavioral health challenges.
Stein Education Center – Adult Services
Serve children and adults with autism spectrum disorders, intellectual and developmental disabilities, severe emotional disturbance, or multiple disabilities. Provide individualized educational, recreational, behavioral and vocational training programs.
Stein Education Center – Special Education Programs
Serve children and adults with autism spectrum disorders, intellectual and developmental disabilities, severe emotional disturbance, or multiple disabilities. Provide individualized educational, recreational, behavioral and vocational training programs.
Stein Education Center – Special Care Services, After School
Serve children and adults with autism spectrum disorders, intellectual and developmental disabilities, severe emotional disturbance, or multiple disabilities. Provide individualized educational, recreational, behavioral and vocational training programs.
SmartCare Behavioral Health Consultation Services (BHCS)
Real-time access to psychiatric/behavior health treatment consultation for primary care providers throughout San Diego County.
SmartCare Integrated Behavioral Health (SmartCare)
Consultants, educators and psychiatrists partner with selected rural community health clinics to provide behavioral health screening, evaluation, medication consultation and short-term therapy integrated within the primary health care setting.
We also offer programs and services for Children (ages 0–13), Teens (ages 13–18), Young Adults (age 18–23), and Families.