Bridges Early Intervention
Teens in trouble with the legal system, at school or at home may benefit from attending special classes or services. Bridges Early Intervention offers structured behavior development curriculum specific to the problems presented by the teen. Teens arrested or cited for minor infractions may be able to participate in our special classes to fulfill their legal obligation.
Teen Classes and Services:
- Alcohol / Drug Screening (SASSI) - Individual session with an alcohol/drug counselor using age-appropriate screening tools that include SASSI instrument and the YASI. Fee required.
- Anger Management – Structured classes define healthy versus unhealthy forms of anger, development of personal awareness and explore effective forms of calming and communication techniques. Fee required.
- Daytime Loitering – Participants will learn what day time loitering (“hanging out”) means and the consequences from violating city ordinances and the rights of private property owners. Class material helps attendees identify safety issues and alternative activities. Fee required.
- Drug Testing - Walk-in drug testing and confirmation offers immediate results through presumptive testing for five (5) panel drugs of abuse. Confirmation testing is through Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GCMS) for all positive tests. Fee required.
- Graffiti Education - Participants learn that graffiti is a crime with consequences to the individual and that it impacts the private and public property of our community. Fee required.
- On Track - Group curriculum for teens and parents in which the teen’s choices at school or home are elevating to higher disciplinary consequences. Course meetings take on a specific area such as communication to develop understanding and improved interpersonal skills. There is no charge for this course. No charge.
- Reckless Behaviors – Teen participants learn about their behavior and thought processes that lead to problem actions in school, at home and in the community. Class material emphasizes taking responsibility for one’s actions and development of skills or techniques for positive communication and emotional self-regulation. Fee required.
- Support for Adolescents and Families in Recovery (SAFIR) - Weekly structured support and education groups offered free of charge to teens and parents throughout San Diego County. Click here for our current listing of meeting locations. No charge.
- Shoplifting / Anti-theft Education – Class explores common issues with teen theft, ways to counteract peer pressure and control impulses, and ways to develop responsible norms for conduct. Fee required.
- Tobacco Education – Class instruction helps the teen understand various legal and health concerns for underage tobacco use. Fee required.
Professional Staff
Most courses are staffed by Certified Drug and Alcohol Counselors who understand the social pressures placed on teens. Many of our counselors have personal life experience that enhances their understanding of the factors that drive impulsive poor decisions by teens.
For More Information or Referral
To sign up for classes, please complete our online registration form. Please call 858.514.5101 or 858.518.2192 for an initial assessment or for more information. You can also request information by email: [email protected].
Who is Eligible?
Classes are designed for teens between the ages of 12 and 17. Some offerings include (require) parent attendance and participation. Classes are voluntary and require teen’s attention and desire for educational and skill building services to address behavioral challenges. Classes are offered at various times of the month throughout San Diego. Fees must be prepaid prior to the first meeting.