On Track
Students in middle school or high school face a wide variety of academic, peer, physical or emotional challenges. Most are able to handle these life trials using guidance from trusted individuals and making smart choices. For other students, their choices may be more problematic: cutting classes, getting into arguments and fights, stealing or breaking other school rules. These behaviors and actions draw the attention of teachers, counselors, parents and others, indicating that the young person needs help.
Fortunately, there is a school-based intervention alternative known as On-Track. We offer a 6-week group curriculum for teens and parents. Class meetings take on a specific topic area each week such as communication to develop understanding and improved interpersonal skills. Teens can learn new skills for handling stress, school demands, relationships and other issues. Parents also learn communication skills that help strengthen the relationship with their student.
On Track Services:
- A “family participation” model (at least one parent must participate)
- Subject matter that reinforces the student’s responsibility for his/her behavior
- Interpersonal skills that replace previous negative patterns
- Completion certificate that fulfills school’s directive to participate
Professional Staff
On Track uses knowledgeable and skilled facilitators, some with bilingual capabilities. They understand the social pressures placed on teens and parents and provide current material to help increase self-awareness and develop skills.
Who is Eligible?
Teens between the ages of 12 – 17 enrolled in school districts in Chula Vista, La Mesa or Poway are welcome to attend. Pre-register by calling 619.668.4250.
On Track is provided at a nominal charge to the teen and family, or through the host district’s funding or by the proceeds from Friends of Vista Hill fundraising efforts.
Client Profile
Teens participating in On Track are from middle and high school grade levels. Their actions and behavior have come to the attention of teachers, counselors, law enforcement or youth agencies. The teen and his/her family are referred to an educational service like On Track for skills and support to address challenges with adolescent behavioral issues that may divert them from more intense involvement in the legal system.